Next Steps

The Future

What does the future hold? We can’t know everything, but we do have open hearts ready to love a child, and to welcome the birth family into our lives. The life we dream of providing for a child will be full of exploration, play, laughter, cultural identity, community involvement, family dinners and, always, tons of love. We would instill traits that are most important to us like having an optimistic outlook, being honest, showing kindness and empathy, having curiosity, and believing in oneself.

We are so happy to have the benefit of open adoption. We look forward to working together to figure out what our future will look like. We envision building a relationship together with the birth parents and family, and having regular contact, similar to being extended family members or good friends. Thank you so much for taking the time to get a feel for who we are. We are very excited to embark on this journey!

Our Agency

We are working with The Cradle, an wonderful adoption agency in Evanston, IL. We wanted to work with an agency that offers counseling and support to birth mothers and couples, empowering them to make the best choice for themselves and their child. The Cradle does an amazing job of helping everyone involved do what is best for the most important person in this--the child. The Cradle is the only agency in the country with an on-site nursery to care for infants while their birth parents consider their options.

Would you like to learn more about us?
You can email us at or call us toll-free at 877-416-3020.

Or, contact our adoption agency, The Cradle, any time at: 800-272-3534 or 

Visit our profile on the Cradle website.

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