Family & Friends

Celebrating Jen's grandma's birthday and the holidays
Our Family

Our families mean the world to us. We both have experience with families coming in many shapes and sizes. Our parents divorced when we were children, but we gained step-parents and extended families. Our childhood experiences help to strengthen our own marriage and vision of a solid family that sticks together. Having step-parents also means more grandparents to shower love and attention on a child!

All of our family members are very excited and supportive about our intention to adopt, and they look forward to the time when they can welcome a new little person into all our lives. Most of our parents live near Kansas City, which is an easy and quick trip that we make several times a year, including holidays spent together. Our families visit us often too—we even hosted our first Thanksgiving last year! 

Hiking with Jen's step-dad on a family trip to Colorado
Although some of our family members are spread out across the country, that gives us the opportunity for fun gatherings at weddings, birthdays and other family milestones. For instance, our family rented a big house in Colorado to celebrate Jen’s parent’s birthdays, and we recently had a family gathering in Florida for Jen’s grandma’s 90th birthday.

Shawn has had a unique relationship with his sister, who is eight years younger than him. She had difficulties at home and school as a young teenager, so at age 14 she moved in with Shawn and for the next four years, he was not only an older brother, but also a friend and parent to her. He home-schooled her and helped her earn her GED; she has gone on to become a talented artist and gardener who loves to read, draw and paint.  

At a "tea tasting" in Chinatown with friends & Shawn's sister
Our Friends

We both grew up knowing that good friends are just as important as family. We have several close longtime friends; most of them have small children or are just starting families. With many of our friends in or around Kansas City, we’re able to see them several times a year. We also have frequent visitors, and it’s fun to show people around our great city.

We’ve got a great group of friends in Chicago who we see often. We like to have dinners and brunches, game nights and go to sporting events together. Some good friends of ours here have two wonderful foster sons who they plan to adopt. We’ve learned a lot from them and we know they will provide great support when we become an adoptive family.

Jen with good friends at her bridal shower
For us, “family” means much more than just being related by blood. For that reason, we’re excited not only about adopting a child, but having a relationship with you and your family.